Live, Virtual Course
Thursday September 19, 2024 - 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time
User stories seem simple but actually are hard to get right, and it makes a big difference. Agile projects are framed for and by a user story. If it’s not right, your project wastes time and effort, because it can’t produce needed value. Simply delivering working code is not enough. Learn the keys to making Agile projects pay off in this highly-interactive full-day seminar.
* Why it's so hard to get seemingly-simple user stories right.
* How the quality of a user story determines the quality of software to implement it.
* Making sure your user stories deliver REAL Value.
* Avoiding common (hidden) backlog issues that trip up Agile teams.
This course has been designed for business, product, project, and system managers, analysts, and other contributors who need effective user stories.