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Initiate the Right Projects with REAL ROI™ Business Cases presented by Robin Goldsmith

Live, Virtual Course

Thursday March 27, 2025 - 10:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time

Money is the language of business.  Organizations attempt to choose projects that will pay off but too often fail to achieve expected value, in part because of common failings with traditional ways of identifying, calculating, and communicating Return on Investment (ROI).  The difficulty often is greatest in areas like IT, where benefits may seem intangible and frequent overruns impact estimates’ credibility.  Learn to avoid 21+ common ROI pitfalls so you can present right, reliable, and responsible REAL ROI™ in persuasive business cases.

  • Avoiding 21+ common pitfalls that undercut most ROI determinations’ value.
  • Using ROI Value Modeling™ and the Problem Pyramid™ to fully identify relevant costs and benefits.
  • Presenting credible project business cases people pay attention to.